Keeping ‘people’ at the center of Innovation

Rang De Team

| 64 views | 3 min read

In recent years India’s financial landscape has been largely influenced by rapid digital advancement and technology aimed at providing financial services. These advancements have flagged loopholes in the monopoly held by banks in this space.

Today’s customers expect more efficient, attainable, customized services to match their fast-paced life. Between online shopping and social media, immediate gratification seems to be the driving force behind today’s consumption. Studying consumer behaviour would help increase traffic and sales. Deep empathy and understanding are necessary to understand consumer behaviour. Extending this notion, the human-centred approach to innovation is built on empathy, understanding, observation, testing, and feedback. This approach to design has significantly influenced brand/ market positioning.

Keeping ‘people’ at the centre of innovation and strategy has helped several noteworthy Fintech giants and mobile banking platforms to capture the millennial market. While the pandemic compelled people to operate remotely, India witnessed a rise in online shopping, mobile banking, investments etc. These organizations brought in many changes to their marketing strategy to accommodate for the challenges brought about by the pandemic.

There is a clear common line of thought – make customer and investor experience as smooth as possible. Inadvertently, this has led to an increase in financial awareness and responsible financial behaviour. Keeping up with these trends, Rang De has been recently designing its product by focusing on the user experience.

Investor Focus

We recognize that your emotional, personal journey here at Rang De is just as important as your investment experience. Accommodating these elements to your holistic experience, the human centric-approach has given us space to create, test, and implement strategies that are deeply entrenched in empathy, gratitude, compassion, equality, and transparency – values that are fundamental to Rang De. Our social investors are the real drivers of change. We use their inputs through interviews and feedback mechanisms to test new, improvised versions.

“As designers, we tend to think we know what’s best for the user. User validation & feedback allows us to see the truth. It helps us create something wonderful -something we can’t do without considering our user’s emotional journey to bring forth what Rang De truly stands for.”

Meeha Tewari, Product Manager, Rang De Investee focus

On the other end of our product are investees. We believe in providing affordable, accessible, customized credit to financially excluded communities across India. To serve this end, we build partnerships with community organizations in these areas. Our field staff help us conduct interviews and community sessions to better understand their needs. These monthly sessions help us make necessary changes to our product, partnership and community engagement. We understand their needs, brainstorm ideas to accommodate these solutions and test them out in specific communities before extending these changes to all of our communities.

We appreciate feedback on our product, operations, and partnerships. Share your experience with social investing at Rang De by clicking the chat button on the bottom right corner. We would love to hear what you think.