Rural India needs your attention – Here’s why

Leslin K Seemon

| 64 views | 3 min read

Empower India is a grassroots campaign that aims to support those entrepreneurial dreams that need a platform to lift off. The campaign is rooted in the people who come from underserved communities and are now looking to turn this definition around.

Grassroots campaigns have always been driven collectively, by a shared goal, and a desire for change.

Who are rural entrepreneurs?

What we are looking to change is the way we imagine enterprise. Not all entrepreneurs wear suits, sit in offices in metropolitans or gather accolades on public platforms. Rural entrepreneurs work from within their community and do not have media platforms to share their stories.

Entrepreneurship has the potential to drive economic growth and development in rural areas. Definitions of rural entrepreneurship are context and need-based. It refers to the skills that add to the quality of life for the individual and the community and can be a sustainable economic opportunity. The needs of the community and the space for developmental goals shape entrepreneurial ideas.

Why do rural spaces need enterprise?

Innovation and technological interventions have inspired rural enterprise and there is a huge potential for further development. The solar energy missions, innovation in irrigation techniques, communication technology and organic farming are just a few examples of developments that have shaped community lives in India.

Rural youth when encouraged and trained can take charge of their community matters through need assessment and motivating action. Enterprise is a force that can drive unexplored resources to the unmet demands of rural markets.

What can rural entrepreneurs contribute to communities?

Over the decades, markets of urban conglomerates are the only ones being imagined as the centres of innovation and development. Such narrow definitions deprive rural spaces of movement and exploration. The lack of investments and financial resources have hindered the development of these spaces into self-sustained ecosystems as a part of larger exchange networks.

Rural enterprises can bridge this gap and build technological and organizational capacities that can add to the productivity of the community. The boost in the economic vitality of a community can create sustainable ecosystems of growth through resources that had previously not been utilized. Economic growth leads the path to other areas of social growth like education, health and innovation. Enterprise can help the community better utilize its available resources and to create markets for more. The economic expansion would create local jobs and add value to the productive capital within the community.

Investing in rural enterprise

Any entrepreneurial venture needs an initial investment of ideas, skill, context assessment and capital. In rural areas, access to financial capital is highly skewed. Banking institutions have not been able to reach the right places at the right time. The lack of trust and financial literacy further inhibits rural borrowers.

Join us today

Rang De aims to direct social investments to rural entrepreneurs promptly. Credit facilities cut out in fixed and rigid structures do not suit the needs of all borrowers alike. Rang De aims to customise credit based on a meticulous economic, social and developmental analysis of the community and the needs of the individual. The timelines of credit exchange are also designed to suit the requirements of the borrowers.

Join us as we head towards supporting the entrepreneurial dreams of rural India and support them and their communities. Social investments can save these enterprises from falling into the trap of exploitative lenders and institutions and the trust built by Rang De can ensure that the credit reaches the right people at the right time.

Invest today and empower India –